
RepositoryDescription width space stego width space stego width space stego
AperiSolveonline platform which performs layer analysis on image
steghidesteganography program that is able to hide data in various kinds of image
stegseeksteghide bruteforce web-based, enhanced and open-source port of StegSolve
zstegdetect stegano-hidden data in PNG & BMP
jstegJPEG steganography


RsaCtfToolRSA attack tool (mainly for ctf) - retrieve private key from weak public key and/or uncipher data
CipheyAutomatically decrypt encryptions without knowing the key or cipher, decode encodings
CyberChefThe Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis
RemorseMORSE bruteforce if you don’t know where spacing goes decoder (Multitap, T9) (audio) to text of ciphers solve substitution ciphers


NTLMRawUnhide.pyExtract NTLMv2 hashes from a pcap
ospf.pyExtract OSPF hashes from a pcap
volatility3An advanced memory forensics framework
magikaDetect file content types with deep learning
WiresharkThe world’s most popular network protocol analyzer
ImhexHex Editor with patterns
Autopsydigital forensics platform and graphical interface for disk images
pkcrackCrack ZIP archive passwords being on known plain-text

Web Exploitation

ArachniWeb Application Security Scanner Framework
burpsuiteFull web testing suite, including proxied requests
CaidoLike Burp but written in Rust
dirbWeb application directory/file fuzzer to find other pages or files worth looking at.
dotGitA Firefox and Chrome extension that shows you if there is an exposed .git directory
feroxbusterWeb application directory/file fuzzer to find other pages or files worth looking at. Written in Rust.
flask-unsignCommand line tool to fetch, decode, brute-force and craft session cookies of a Flask application
gobusterWeb application directory/file fuzzer to find other pages or files worth looking at. Also supports DNS busting (such as subdomains). Written in Go.
NiktoWeb server scanner to perform security checks on a web server.
nosqlmapLike sqlmap, but for NoSQL.
PayloadsAllTheThingsUseful payloads for a variety of attacks such as SQLi, IDOR, XSS, etc.
sqlmapPerforms automated SQL injection tests on GET and POST requests.
w3afWeb application attack and audit framework.
wappalyzerIdentify what frameworks a website runs
wpscanAutomatic WordPress scanner to identify information about a WordPress site and possible vulnerabilities.